Monday, 26 October 2015
Exhibition is a place or an event to demonstrate or display particular products and facilitate more information for whom seeking guidance on things that being favored or needed. Along with the increasing in market demands and competitions, this has become the main reason for exhibitions always visited with crowd and attracted many consumers and business. Moreover, exhibition is also a mediator for Shunda Plafon to understand more about its customers.
A company could display its products directly and penetrate the current market demands by participating in an exhibition. For instance, PAMERAN PEKAN RAYA SULAWESI SELATAN 2015, this exhibition that was held in five days, from 21-25 October 2015 at CCC (Celebes Convention Center), Jl. Metro Tanjung Bunga Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan; This exhibition was organized by PT. Wahyu Promocitra and supported by the Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade, South Sulawesi’s APINDO, Ministry of Tourism, State Minister for Cooperatives Small and Medium Enterprises as well as other private businesses, one of them was Shunda Plafon Makassar.
Shunda Plafon is a ceiling and wall partition made of PVC which has many advantages such as waterproof, anti-termite, top quality of structure and materials, easy maintenance, flame retardant, free maintenance cost, easy installation system, and available in various themes and colors.
In this exhibition, Shunda Plafon Makassar’s booth stand on at 24 m2 booth and visited by many customers not only from the Makassar city, but also from outside city or suburbs area, many of them purposely came to see and prove the quality of Shunda Plafon. With passion to assist customers on products’ demand, Shunda Plafon has spread its network in South Sulawesi; they are Bone, Bantaeng, Sidrap, Mamuju, Palopo, Palu, and Kendari.
From this year participation, Shunda Plafon obtained more information about the market demand in Makassar and surroundings; Therefore, Shunda Plafon gained more confidence to step further on developing its product’s variation horizontally with the market demand and customers’ need.
Furthermore, As usual, Shunda Plafon always provides special offers for visitors who were interested and made transaction during the event. This offer was one of the gratitude forms from Shunda Plafon to its customers for loyalty and trusting Shunda Plafon to take part in building their dream house. Since this special offer is limited, Shunda plafon attracted many visitors and many of them decided to choose Shunda Plafon. Moreover, there were many existing customers who have installed Shunda plafon before, and came back again to Install Shunda Plafon for their next project.
a form of gratitude from Shunda Plafon to its customers who has been loyal and truthful in believing Shunda Plafon to take part in constructing their dream house. Seeing this limited offer, no wonder there were many visitors who were attracted and chose Shunda Plafon. What was more, there ware many customers who applied Shunda Plafon’ products before, and came back again to request on the products’ application for their next project.
This exhibition has emphasized that the market demand for Shunda Plafon’s products are significant, visitors are interested and waiting for the outcoming innovations from Shunda Plafon. They have proved the quality of Shunda Plafon’s products, will you be the next?
For further information about Shunda Plafon’s product in Makassar and surrounding, please contact:
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan KM. 15
Ruko Insignia Blok B/24 - Makassar
Email : Shundamakassar@yahoo.com
Telp : 0411 - 519982
Fax : 0411 - 519 981