Understand More about Shunda Plafon at Bandung, Makassar and Jawa Tengah
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
PT SHUNDA SUCAI INDONESIA is the first national company manufactures ceiling and wall panels made of PVC with SHUNDA PLAFON as its brand. With modern technology and various experts, PT Shunda Sucai Indonesia continues on innovating to keep up with the consumers through its flagship product namely SHUNDA PLAFON.
Controlling and improving the quality supported by the great marketing strategy, Shunda Plafon step more advanced and closer to its customers. One of the strategics that is always done is by campaigning products through exhibitions that have been followed since 2008 until today.
With the aim to get closer to the Shunda Plafon's loyal consumers, the exhibitions followed by Shunda Plafon has spread wider, and not only in Jabodetabek alone.
On October 21 - 25 2015, Shunda Plafon will come to visit and meet directly with the loyal consumers on the exhibition of building materials located in BCC Bandung (Bandung Convention Center) and in Makassar, which is located at the CCC (Celebes Convention Center)
Not only that, for the co-Shunda located in Central Java, you can all get ready, because on 28 October 2015-2 November 2015, Shunda Plafon will come over on the event Ambarukmo Building and Material Expo held at Ambarukmo Plaza.
so do not forget to record the day and do not forget to visit our events in your cities, get information and an attractive offer from us and realize your dream home.
For more info contact:
Shunda Bandung (022-423 0953)
Shunda Makassar (0411-519982)
Shunda Central Java (0274 - 620 452)